
Please contact us if you are interested in our presentation material articles below. Click here 


下記発表資料をご希望の方はお気軽にお問い合わせください。 ここを クリック してください。              

“Successful Business with Japanese Companies,” Westinghouse, Monroeville, PA, August 2008.

“A New USB Fingerprint Authentication Device and Secure Data Communication”; Biometrics Conference & Exhibition, London, 2005 

“Writing Persuasive Papers”; Information Center for Science and Technology, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, July 1999 (「説得力のある英語論文の書き方とインパクトのあるプレゼンテーションの仕方」 科学技術振興事業団講演)

“Successful Presentation in English”; NTT DATA Communications, Kawasaki, Japan, June 1998 (「英語によるプレゼンテーション」 NTT データコミュニケーション開発部)

“Computer Market Trends in Japan and Korea”; ANSYS, Inc., Houston, PA, May 1996.

“Korea - What did they need and what will they?”; University Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, November 1995.