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Intellectual Property:
- "Dealing with the Pacific Rim"; Dynamic Business (Reprinted), November 1999.
- “U.S. College Students’ Job Hunting”; Nikkei Electronics, July 1997 (「米国学生は夏休みに企業で働く、可能性にトライ」 日経エレクトロニクス).
- “How to display/write Japanese with U.S.-made PCs”; Greater-Pittsburgh Japanese Society, October 1996.
- “Japanese Resources in the U.S.”; Japan-America Society of Pennsylvania, July 1996. • "Do Not Trust Your Computer"; Nikkei Electronics, April 1996 (「信じちゃいけないコンピュータ 確かな目が人間に求められる」 日経エレクトロニクス)
- “Future of Japanese Joint Venture Business”; Nikkei Electronics, October 1995 (「安易なベンチャー・ビジネスが日本に定着することを危惧する」日経エレクトロニクス).
- "Pittsburghas an International City"; Department of Commerce, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, June 1995.
- "Current Trends in U.S. Domestic Technology Transfer"; Nikkei Electronics, May 1995 (「日本の国立研究機関は米国に比べ情報開示努力が不足」 日経エレクトロニクス).
- "For a True Technology Exchange"; Nikkei Electronics, December 1994 (「技術交流とは学ぶことという考えを改める時が来た」 日経エレクトロニクス).
- "LIMS and Laboratory Automation"; Scientific Application Expo'94, November 1994 (「LIMSとその周辺」 科学分野のコンピュータ専門展).
- "Necessity of Venture Industries in Japan"; Nikkei Electronics, July 1994 (「日本にはベンチャー企業を育てる土壌が必要」 日経エレクトロニクス).
- "Communication Devices for the Disabled"; Nikkei Electronics, February 1994 (「障害者向け機器開発で遅れ目立つ日本メーカー」 日経エレクトロニクス).
- "Dealing with the Pacific Rim"; Dynamic Business, May 1994.
- "Dealing with Japan Made Easy"; Pittsburgh Business Times, November 1993.
- “Biometrics for Translators” IJET-16, Chicago 2005.
- “Statistics for Translators”, The JLD Times, American Translators Association, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2003 (「翻訳者のための統計学」).
- “Internet Resources for EJ Translators”, The JLD Times, American Translators Association, October 1999.
- “Acquiring Native English, Series I - VI”, Journal of Information Processing and Management, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, May 1998 – March 1999(ミニ・シリーズ「説得力のある英語論文とは?」情報管理、科学技術振興事業団)
- “Knowledge-based Human Translation”, The ATA Chronicle, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, 1998. ・ “Online Translation Service”, The JLD Times, American Translators Association, Vol. 5, No.3, 1996.